I will not try hard

I always used to try too hard
I was always up on my guard
I kept for last my best card
I always felt short by one yard...

They said cover it yard by yard
Keep for the last your best card
Always stay up on your guard
Son! You always gotta try Hard...

Why was I denied the last yard
Why wasn't it best, My last card
When I did fall off my guard
No! - Now I will not try Hard...!

I will not try hard...
I will not try hard....

Writer's Block or Life's Block?

Life becomes a routine and that, is the most unfortunate thing that can happen to you. The spark, the spontaneity, the jazz, it all just starts fading away. The worse thing is you start accepting it. Now that is not just worse – It is “the worst” thing that can happen to a human life.

There was a time when you would look at such persons - whose life has become just a boring routine, and they have accepted it - and you would think to yourself (not just to yourself but think it loud with a bang!!):
What kind of people are these??
How can they live such a dull, monotonous life??
And how in the hell can they accept it all and just don't do anything about it??

Then as the time passes by, the dreadful though just hits you right into your face. Not that it just happens overnight, but the damn realization happens like that. That moment - (What would be the opposite of the: “Eureka Moment”. Poor vocabulary just makes a limped writer, ain’t it??) just bangs your head like a hammer. Not hammer exactly; you have that “big huge iron ball” hanging from chain on big crushers and bulldozers. Yeah! thats precisely what happens to you. You got to imagine this right away in your minds!!

“You are a ‘cartoon guy’: A disfigured, loser type of a cartoon character. Your face is expressionless and dumb. You are standing on a street - alone surrounded by big sky scrapers. And you hear a small sound from the back side (Pee Pee...Watch out Loser!!) and as you turn around, you see this big iron ball flying your way...
And WHAM!!.....before you even realize what is happening, the thing has hit you...!"

All said and shown, the point is, as life goes on there comes a stage when things start settling down.(Settling down for an old guy's perspective / Fucking Dull from a young ones). May be yes, it comes off with the age. As you hit the quarter century age bracket the "settling down" factor comes in. And it starts growing slowly over years. You don't like random pub hopping, you don't really wanna risk it out, "Lets do it” kind of attitude starts disappearing.

You always thought of it as a Writer's block , but suddenly when the iron ball hitting you - The realization day and The “Moment of Enlightment” occurs and you think of bigger picture !!
The Life Block?

Is it?